제목 |
기독교대학의 신학과 세계관 ; 복음주의와 자본주의 |
영문 제목 |
Evangelicalosm and Capitalism |
저자 |
조상국 (Sang Goog Cho) (블라디보스톡 경제대 교수)
다운로드 |
(596 KB)
논문 구분 |
특집논문 |
신학/철학 |
발행 기관 |
통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157) |
발행 정보 |
제5권 3호 (통권 16호) |
발행 년월 |
1992년 09월 |
국문 초록 |
영문 초록 |
For recent twenty years, capitalism has stood as the preeminent social issue in Korea. University campuses have been the center of anti-capitalism while conservative evangelical churches have been the strong supporter of capitalism. However, recent events in Eastern Europe and the breakdown of the Soviet Union look like to give political and economical triumph to capitalism. But still many evangelicals are not satisfied with capitalism and are struggling to have correct views on capitalism. These phenomena are not unique to Korea. Prior to Korean experiences, capitalism has been of considerable interest to American evangelicals and has caused serious debate over capitalism. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the recent evangelical debate over capitalism in the U.S.A and thus to enhance understanding of capitalism among evangelicals in Korea. According to Craig Gay (1991), the paper examines the position of evangelical lefts, rights and centrists in the U.S.A. Historically the debate over capitalism among American protestants in general and evangelicals in particular began on the left - that is, among those who identified capitalism as an economic system essentially at odds with christian theology and ethics. The left assumes that in the capitalist political economy virtually all social power is concerntrated in the hands of tiny business elite and that the rest of society is manipulated to the advantage of elite. While the evangelical left links a great many of the worlds problems to the existence of capitalism, the evangelical right defends capitalism by insisting that capitalism offers the only real hope of solving these problems. Finally, majority of evangelical authors seek to balance appreciation of the overall efficiency of the market has apparently left behind. In conclusion, this debate helps to open our eyes to other evangelicals who have different positions on capitalism and to understand that this kind of debate is not a new but historically a continuous one since Marx. |
키워드 |
복음주의, 자본주의 |