제목 |
포스트모더니즘에 대한 기독교적 성찰 ; 포스트모더니즘 소설에 대한 기독교적 조망 |
영문 제목 |
Christian Perspective on the Post modern Novels |
저자 |
박영희 (Young Hee Park) (한중대학교 한국어다문화교육학부 교수)
다운로드 |
(1.80 MB)
논문 구분 |
특집논문 |
신학/철학 |
발행 기관 |
통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157) |
발행 정보 |
제7권 2호 (통권 22호) |
발행 년월 |
1994년 06월 |
국문 초록 |
영문 초록 |
The purpose of this paper on observing the world view of post-modern novels. Post-modernism in literature is a part of late twentieth century phenomenon which rose against canons, authoritarian standpoints, and totalitarian value systems. in Korea in the late 1980s. For example, Ha il-ji`s 「Roote to the Racertrack」 and Kim Su-Kyung`s 「Liberty Bell」 are two representive novels which raised controversy on post-modern novels as well as the public popularity in Korea. The world view such post-modern novels represent is summed up as nihilistic: disillusionment and despair about life. In post-modern novels, there is no healing vision while it often depicts discredit about human being and the world. The main problem in the post-modern novels from christian perspective is its human-oriented world view: representation of decadents denying the existence of God, moreover ascription of the source of despair to the "incomplete" world. In this atmosphere, we, Christian should be alart about the trend which misinterprets such anti-Christian world view in post-modern novels as if the most progressive thought in contemporary literature. |
키워드 |
포스트모더니즘 소설 |