통합 자료실

제목 God, You, and Me: The Communal and Communicative Nature and Purpose of Language
영문 제목
저자 Deolito Vender Vistar, Jr. (고신대학교 Th. M.)
다운로드 pdf God, You, and Me, The Communal and Communicative Nature and Purpose of Language _Deolito Vender Vistar, Jr..pdf (128 KB)
논문 구분 일반논문 | 교육학
발행 기관 기독학문학회
발행 정보 (통권 29호)
발행 년월 2012년 12월
국문 초록 Introduction
When you are talking with your friend or spouse, do you listen to what he/she is saying or
are you paying more attention to the accuracy of his/her grammar or pronunciation? I caught
myself doing the latter one day when I was talking to my wife, both of us being non-native
English speakers and yet using English to communicate at home, she being a Chinese and I a
Filipino. She was saying a crucial point to me, when one slight mistake in her pronunciation
caught my attention and this “slight” mistake actually caused me to miss her point altogether.
After apologizing, I asked her to restate herself.
영문 초록