통합 자료실

제목 Redeeming Science Teaching from a Biblical Perspective – Teaching Evolutionary Studies to Grade 7 in Indonesian Christian Schools
영문 제목
저자 Susanto Agus (고신대학교 기독교교육학과 박사과정)
다운로드 pdf Redeeming Science Teaching from a Biblical Perspective – Teaching Evolutionary Studies to Grade 7 in Indonesian Ch.pdf (312 KB)
논문 구분 일반논문 | 교육학
발행 기관 기독학문학회
발행 정보 (통권 29호)
발행 년월 2012년 12월
국문 초록 Background
This thesis is built upon the perspective now well accepted in educational philosophy, that
scholarship is not and cannot be, philosophically neutral (Bartholomew, 1997; Bratt, 1998;
Clouser, 2005; Dooyeweerd, 1966; Edlin, 1999; Geisler, 1999). Scholarly investigations, and their
classroom out workings, always reflect the presuppositions of those involved in the development
and delivery process. As Bartholomew (2000, p. 12) contends, “To claim to be free of
philosophical presuppositions is simply to be unaware of them.”
Some educators in the secular community are comfortable with the prevailing worldview of
modernism that exists in many science textbooks and in science instruction in schools. However,
this paradigm has come under threat in recent years from two main directions. First, the
disenchantment with scientism as a credible omnipotent belief structure that began to occur in
the twentieth century. Though still the default position in a number of textbooks, this logical
positivism approach has been replaced in some academic circles by an equally strong
philosophical force–that of postmodernism.
영문 초록