통합 자료실

제목 “Can Christians Engage in War?”
영문 제목
저자 Russel George C. de Ocampo (고신대학교)
다운로드 pdf “Can Christians Engage in War” _Russel George C. de Ocampo.pdf (95.0 KB)
논문 구분 일반논문 | 세계관기초
발행 기관 춘계학술대회
발행 정보 (통권 20호)
발행 년월 2013년 06월
국문 초록 Alexander Moseley (2010) defined war as a “state of organized, open‐ended collective conflict or hostility” (para.15). By this definition, war can be a state of hostility between small groups and not always necessarily between nations. War engagement means promoting, supporting, and being in war. It involves weapons and intentional killings. War is horrible. Consequently, Christians’ participation in it brings controversy. Some Christians consider it inherently evil and there are others who view it as necessary for peace. Is it possible to engage in war and honor God at the same time?
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