제목 |
창조와 진화 : 창조연대와 기원 논쟁 ; 진화하는 생명 기원설 |
영문 제목 |
Evolution of Theories of the Origin of Life |
저자 |
김남득 (Nam Deuk Kim) (부산대학교 약학대학 교수)
다운로드 |
(599 KB)
논문 구분 |
특집논문 |
창조론 |
발행 기관 |
통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157) |
발행 정보 |
제7권 4호 (통권 24호) |
발행 년월 |
1994년 12월 |
국문 초록 |
영문 초록 |
The question of life`s origins is one of the oldest and most difficult one. The answer, although it is very clear to us, will not be a single statement of fact to evolutionists. Up to this time three answers can be offered: the first one that life had been created supernaturally, the second one that it arises continually from the nonliving, and the last one that it had come from outer space. To the evolutionists the first explanation lay outside science; the second and the third were now shown to be possible. To get the right answer they have tried to establish enormous numbers of hypothesis and experimental models. However, these hypotheses and experimental models were changed with time and the progress of science and technique. We will see that almost every generation in history, new theory or experimental facts emerged and disappeared. Therefore, I would like to review briefly these evolutions of theories about the origin of life and criticize them in Christian perspective. |
키워드 |
생명 기원설, 창조 연대 |