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Religion is necessary for those who live today. Each one has his own belief in god. Everywhere people seek supernatural powers when they realize their limits. This is the basis for religion. In religion, we can think of God. and we should meet the true God in our faith and begin to grow. Prayer is necessary to meet God. In this, Heinrich Ott said in his Theology that prayer is the method to belief itself. Because of the theology, he put forth about developing personal relationship with God. He was effected by personal philosophy of Martin Buber. In these beliefs Heinrich Ott was called a personalistic Theologian. Heinrich Ott highly valued prayer which is communication with God. A doctor named Paul Tournier initiated a theory about the medical science and prayer. He encouraged the patient to change their thoughts about healing - not just looking at medical treatment, but to be healed through faith in God through prayer as well. This was a new movement in those days. In this movement, the theory between theology and medical science become quiet pervasive. The teachings of paul Tournier were called Medicine of Person. In this beliefs, Medicine of Person of Paul Tournier recognizes and emphasizes a personal relationship between medical doctors and patients, and patients and God. Paul Tournier was influenced by the personal philosophy of Martin Buber. As shown above, Heinrich Ott and Paul Tournier had similar backgrounds in that both of theorists accepted the personal prayer by Martin Buber. They also emphasized prayer on their studies. Prayer is communication with God himself ; it helps to develop all aspects of science. Therefore, in medical science prayer can help heal mental sicknesses and sufferings beyond medical treatment. And even more in theology prayer has the powerful function of communication with God and helps people get to know God better and shows us who really God is. Therefore, understanding human beings and prayer makes possible the relationship between Personalistic Theology and Medicine of Person. |