제목 |
한국의 경제위기에 대한 기독교적 반성 ; 주제논문 / 경제위기 극복을 위한 기독교적 대안 - 성경적 토지법과 헨리 조지 경제학에 기초하여 |
영문 제목 |
A Christian Sloution to the Economic Crisis |
저자 |
전강수 (Kang Soo Chon) (대구가톨릭대학교 경제금융부동산학과 교수)
다운로드 |
(0.98 MB)
논문 구분 |
특집논문 |
경제/경영 |
발행 기관 |
통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157) |
발행 정보 |
제11권 3호 (통권 34호) |
발행 년월 |
1998년 09월 |
국문 초록 |
영문 초록 |
fundamental cause to the economic crisis is our disobedience to God`s economic laws. We have forgotten them or intentionally ignored them. The most important part of the God`s economic laws is the land law. God wishes everyone to have an equal right to land use. So, He ordered the Israelities to divide the land of Canaan equally into every family`s inheritance. Worrying that their equal rights to use land may be violated, God enacted redemption and the Year of Jubilee. Today, instead of this biblical land tenure system, the institution of private property in land is accepted in many societies. The Bible says it is the Baal`s land tenure system. Actually, the institution of private property in land brings about poverty and cyclical economic depressions by enforcing taxation on many kinds of earned incomes and making land-value rise more rapidly than productivity. Korea`s present economic crisis also resulted form the institution of private property in land. The only way to overcome the economic crisis si to realize God`s will, repent our sins and go back to His laws. Henry George`s land-value taxation is the best economic policy through which we can go back to the God`s laws. God gave us the Bible and Henry George who was filled with the Holy Spirit. We, God`s people already have a solution to this economic crisis. |
키워드 |
한국경제, 성경적 토지법, 헨리 조지 경제학 |