제목 |
한국의 경제위기에 대한 기독교적 반성 ; 주제논문 / 민주공동체를 향하여 |
영문 제목 |
Toward a Democratic Community A Christian Response to the Recent Economic Crisis |
저자 |
박득훈 (Deuk Hoon Park) (평화누리 상임공동대표, 새맘교회)
다운로드 |
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논문 구분 |
특집논문 |
경제/경영 |
발행 기관 |
통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157) |
발행 정보 |
제11권 3호 (통권 34호) |
발행 년월 |
1998년 09월 |
국문 초록 |
영문 초록 |
The Korean economy collapsed last year even to the surprise of the economic experts. The Korean people have suffered a lot since then. What would it mean to be a Christian in this situation? This article is an attempt to answer this important question. In the first section we try to show why it is a duty for Christians to get involved in this question of reforming or even transforming economic system in face of crisis. And then we elaborate a theological method for reflecting on this complex matter. This involves the dynamic and reciprocal interaction between praxis and theory. The actual theoretical practice, however, consists of three mediations; social philosophical, socio-economic and hermeneutic. In the third section applying our method we look into the contrasting explanations of the causes of the crisis of the Korean economy to see what are the real issues. Then with the recognition of the dominance of neoliberal position both in Korea and worldwide, we try to figure out a Christian position on this matter with a view to suggesting an alternative economic system. The first step is to formulate the principles of economic justice which would function as an ethical criterion in our assessment of various economic system. In the second step we evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of neoliberal market economy using different economic theories. Here we find that reforming this economic system is not sufficient to meet the requirements of our principles of economic justice. So we propose our own economic system in a brief fashion. We call this a democratic community which would embody the values of freedom, equality and communality. Finally and again very briefly we provide a theological reflection on our principles of economic justice so that we may pursue our goal in solidarity with people in all walks of life and yet without losing Christian identity. |
키워드 |
민주 공동체, 한국 경제 |