제목 | 생명복제에 관한 기독교적 반성 ; 주제논문 - 생명복제에 대한 기독교적 고찰 |
영문 제목 | A Christian perspective on cloning of life |
저자 |
현창기 (Chang Kee Hyun) (한동대학교 생명과학부 교수) 도명술 (Myoung Sool Do) (한동대학교 생명과학부 교수) |
다운로드 |
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논문 구분 | 특집논문 | 공학
발행 기관 | 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157) |
발행 정보 | 제12권 1호 (통권 35호) |
발행 년월 | 1999년 03월 |
국문 초록 | |
영문 초록 | Today, scientific technology has become an essential part of human beings` everyday lives and is affecting him in every aspect. With the discovery of the three-dimensional structure of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1953, the life science started to take the central place in scientific development and initiated the emergence of a new field of science, molecular biology. The development of life science made us understand the physiological phenomena underlying some of the major human diseases such as aging, cancer, AIDS, and brain diseases. The successful cloning of sheep, Dolly, using the technique of developmental biology and genetic engineering brought about a big change in the conventional scientific concept that the nucleus of a differentiated cell cannot reverse its genetic ability like that of an undifferentiated cell which has totipotency for full development. The birth of Dolly also brought immediate response and worry that the same technique might be used to clone a human being. The people of this modern era have been watching the fast development of the life science and are amazed by its power and usefulness. However, they also fear its seemingly endless potential. Scientific development has tow faces, giving two opposite effects on our lives. It improves the quality of our lives in one hand and destructs the foundation on the other hand. why did God allow men to develop science? why did He commend us to "be fruitful and increase in number: fill the earth and subdue it"? Here we discuss the Christian perspective on the current issue of life-cloning. We also mention about the roles of religious idolatry and philosophical concepts such as naturalism and progressivism that have settled in our consciousness and have instigated human beings to manipulate life and clone it on their own. And finally, we discuss about the roles and attitudes of Christians and Christian scientists who are living in this age of science and technology. |
키워드 | 생명복제 |