제목 | 기독교학교에 대한 성경적 조망 : 특집 논문 ; 신앙과 학문의 관계에 대한 한 연구 |
영문 제목 | A Study on the Integration of Faith and Learning |
저자 |
조용훈 (Yong Hun Jo) (한남대학교 기독교학과 교수) |
다운로드 |
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논문 구분 | 특집논문 | 교육학
발행 기관 | 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157) |
발행 정보 | 제17권 1호 (통권 42호) |
발행 년월 | 2004년 03월 |
국문 초록 | |
영문 초록 | The integration of Christian faith and learning is the most important element of the Christian university. Nevertheless, the scientific positivism of the university and the anti-intellectualism of the Korean churches are obstacle to this task. This study aims to investigate the necessities and the possibilities of this academic work. The academic work for integration of Christian faith with learning is based on the assumption that truth is one and grounded in the revelation of God in Jesus Christ. As Clement of Alexandria said, all truth is God’s truth, no matter where it’s found. The academic work of the Christian scholars is worship of God in the sense that it confess the sovereignty of God over all things inclusive of the scholarship. Christian faith seeks understanding(fides quaerens intellectum) and critics of the absolutization and the dogmatism of the scholarship. In the academic work of the Christian scholars for integrating of faith and their academic disciplines, the Bible is useful resources as well as norm. Seeking to counter the fragmentation and the superficiality of the contemporary academy, Christian scholars need to have an interdisciplinary dialogue among them. And the formation of a Christian worldview is necessary for integrating of faith with learning by way of sticking fragmented knowledges together. Christian university should encourage and support faculty, financially and executively, to equip for research and teaching on the relationship between Christianity and their academic disciplines. But, the task of the integration of faith with learning seems an ideal never fully accomplished by human being but only God himself. |
키워드 | 과학실증주의, 반지성주의, 신앙과 학문, 소명으로서 학문, 세계관, 학제간 연구, integration of faith and Learning, the scientific positivism, worldview |