제목 | 기독교학교에 대한 성경적 조망 : 특집 논문 ; 학문의 세속화 문제와 기독교적 패러다임의 필요성 |
영문 제목 | The secularization of science and Christian Paradigm |
저자 |
주만성 (Man Sung Joo) (백석대학교 기독교학부 교수) |
다운로드 |
(215 KB)
논문 구분 | 특집논문 | 교육학
발행 기관 | 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157) |
발행 정보 | 제17권 1호 (통권 42호) |
발행 년월 | 2004년 03월 |
국문 초록 | |
영문 초록 | Ex nihilo nihil fit: Nothing comes out of nothing! Creatio ex nihilo :God created everything out of nothing! The former is the secular idea. The latter is the Christian idea. We are confronted with the danger of secularized science. The secularization of science comes from the secular idea. Christian academic excellence comes from the Christian idea. When reference is made to secularization, the secularization of science is often forgotten. That is the case because the great number of christians who have enjoyed a scientific education lack a clear idea of the connection between scientific thought and religion. It would be a mistake to suppose that secularization of science is nothing more than the natural result of cultural differentiation. The secularization of science is a dualistic and a dialectical one; and because the scholastic motive of nature and grace desired to reconcile it with the christian doctrine of creation. In principle Christian perspective are all - redeeming and alltransforming, and it is this which gives rise to the idea of integrating faith with learning. I shall propose The christian worldview(Reformed)approach to the integration of faith and learning because it is the most embracing contact between christianity and human learning. The Reformed christian world-view enables us to see all things in relationship to God as their Creator, Redeemer, and Lord. From the biblical point of view we must establish first of all that divine revelation has a central motive, which is the key to knowledge, because of its integral and radical character, this motive altogether excludes any dualistic conception of the world. God’s truth is revealed in the Scripture. All Scripture is God -breathed and is useful for teaching...(2 Timothy 3:16). The relationship between the Scripture and science is not dualistic but integral. The christian university does not exist only to offer biblical and theological studies. Christian university is distinctive in that the christian faith can touch the entire range of life and learning to which a liberal education exposes students. If we confess that God is all- wise Creator of all, then he has perfect knowledge of everything we ever sought to know or do. The early church father summed this up in what has become a guidepost for christian scholars ever since - All truth is God’s truth, wherever it be found. |
키워드 | secularization of science, Christian Paradigm, Christian cademic excellence, The Reformed, world-view, christian scholars(학문의 세 속화, 기독교적 패러다임, 기독교학문의 수월성, 개혁주의, 세계관, 기독학자) |