제목 |
기독교정신과 모성보호 |
영문 제목 |
Christianity and Motherhood |
저자 |
신은주 (Eun Joo Shin) (한동대학교 법학부 교수)
다운로드 |
(1.19 MB)
논문 구분 |
일반논문 |
가정사역 |
발행 기관 |
통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157) |
발행 정보 |
제15권 2호 (통권 39호) |
발행 년월 |
2002년 06월 |
국문 초록 |
영문 초록 |
Act of giving a birth is considered as one of the most private and personal experiences a woman can have. On the other hand, act of giving a birth is also a most profound public act, which carries much social implication to a family and the society. Through history, many cultures including Asian as well as Christian, defined woman`s role as a wife and a mother. In most cases, housework and child rearing duty limited woman`s domain to mainly within a house. Some even believe that woman could achieve happiness only by faithfully carrying out above mentioned house bound duty. While it is true that raising a child is a privilege and a rewarding task, unfortunately, such well-intended functional separation of woman`s role and man`s role often burdened and unfairly hindered woman from realizing her true potential. Bible said man and woman are created equal in the image of God. While it is clear that there is a biological difference between man and woman, such difference should not be used as a cause for discrimination. It is apparent that pregnancy and act of giving a birth are unique provision of God given to woman, however, child rearing and housework is not only intended for woman but for all member of family including man. So-called "motherhood" is a definite privilege but it also carries a huge responsibility. It is clear that man will also be accountable to God in area of child rearing. Therefore, "motherhood" includes not only woman but also man. child rearing and housework need to be shared in the family just like any other tasks in the family. woman`s place is wherever God what her to be. we have to reexamine whether our current cultural notion of woman`s domain really reflects biblical standard. If not, then we should work to restore our family and society so that it will bring honor to our Creator. It should be noted that ultimate goal of a Christian is to live a life which will glorify God. Accordingly, man and woman should live fully, realizing each person`s potential. |
키워드 |
기독교 정신, 모성보호 |