제목 | 통일 전후 독일 교회의 문제와 과제 |
영문 제목 | Facts, Problems and Assignments of the Germen Church before and after the Unific |
저자 |
주도홍 (Do Hong Jou) (백석대학교 기독교학부 교수) |
다운로드 |
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논문 구분 | 특집논문 | 사회과학
발행 기관 | 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157) |
발행 정보 | 제18권 1호 (통권 44호) |
발행 년월 | 2005년 03월 |
국문 초록 | |
영문 초록 | The purpose of this study is to examine the state of the Church in post-unification Germany, both the strides it has made and its lingering problems, in order to better forecast the state of Korea’s Church post unification, and effect ideas appropriate to that forecast. To better contextualize the analysis the author will include excerpts from his prior research on the state and influence of the German Church leading up to the unification of the German state. This is an attempt to introduce the German church’s function more holistically prior to and following the 1990 reunification of the German state. The research will be lead in three directions. First, the German Church’s function prior to reunification, its state during the reunification process, and its situation post reunification will be examined and summarized historically. An emphasis will be placed on the situation and accomplishments of the Church after Germany’s reunification. Finally, a careful ! analysis of how the German Church’s experience may aid Korea’s church will conclude the study. Key Words: German Church, Unification, Korean Church, Post-Unification, History of the German Church for the Reunification of Germany, das Diakonische Werk, Praktischer Dialog, Theology of Reunification, Diakonia. |
키워드 | German Church, Unification, Korean Church, Post-Unification, History of the German Church for the Reunification of Germany, das Diakonische Werk, Praktischer Dialog, Theology of Reunification, Diakonia |