제목 |
정(精)은 어떤 현상인가 |
영문 제목 |
On Human Affection |
저자 |
강영안 (Kang, Young-Ahn) (서강대 명예교수)
다운로드 |
(748 KB)
논문 구분 |
일반논문 |
기타 |
발행 기관 |
신앙과 학문 (ISSN 1226-9425) |
발행 정보 |
제6권 1호 (통권 21호) |
발행 년월 |
2001년 06월 |
국문 초록 |
영문 초록 |
Mutual affection is a genuine human phenomenon. This is, however, elusive when we try to make it an object of the theoretical investigation. This paper is a trial to lay some important aspects of the phenomenon of the human affection. Korean words related to this phenomenon are enumerated and the Aristotelian discussion of the philia is interpreted in this context. It is shown that the Aristotelian model, which is based on the sameness, is contrasted to the Parable of Good Samaritan. The affection which is shown by the Good Samaritan has not been motivated by the sameness of the feeling, of the country, or of the interest, but by the otherness of the other who was in suffering. It is argued, albeit implicit, that the true morality lies in the respect for the other who is in suffering. |
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