제목 | 평신도 공학 |
영문 제목 | Laity Engineering |
저자 |
양성일 (Yang, Sung-Il) (한양대 융합공학과 교수) |
다운로드 |
(539 KB)
논문 구분 | 일반논문 | 공학
발행 기관 | 신앙과 학문 (ISSN 1226-9425) |
발행 정보 | 제7권 1호 (통권 23호) |
발행 년월 | 2002년 06월 |
국문 초록 | |
영문 초록 | The Greek word ‘λαός’, which is pertinent to the word ‘laity’, is a collective noun pointedly called God's people. Therefore every Christian is a laity, which is a glorious name meaning the great privilege and ministry as a people belonging to God(1 Peter 2:9). This paper presents Laity Engineering dealing with Christian Engineer's identity and a sense of calling in a viewpoint of Laity Theology. The concept of Laity Engineering hopefully testifies that the engineering ministry is not just a job for a living and the engineering products are not useless things, which shall be burned up as the day of the Lord will come. |
키워드 | 평신도, 공학, 평신도 신학, laity theology, engineering, Christian worldview |