통합 자료실

제목 기독교대학과 기독교 교육에 대한 전망 ; 학교 및 학교교육에 대한 성경적 조망
영문 제목 A Scriptural Perspective on School and Schooling
저자 김성수 (Sung Soo Kim) (전 고신대학교 총장)
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논문 구분 특집논문 | 교육학
발행 기관 통합연구 (ISSN 1226-1157)
발행 정보 제4권 4호 (통권 13호)
발행 년월 1991년 12월
국문 초록
영문 초록 Education and schooling have been under severe and constant attack on all sides since the Russians launched Sputnik in 1957. It is today a platitude or a reality of educational thought to say that the school as a social institution is in a state of deep crisis. In the relevant literature there is a great amount of data available which support the contention that the schools are in trouble. This study tries to discuss the most basic issues of the school from a Scriptural perspective and in the process to analyse some fundamental problems of the school. The Bible does not offer a direct and systematic treatment of these problems of the school. However, it does supply sufficient guidelines and perspectives on fundamental aspects of the school and schooling. With regard to the origin of the school, it is clear from a Scriptural perspective that the school as an institution is no mere product of historical coincidence. Its present form is a result of the positivization of the ontic law for the school, which was given by God, at creation, for His glory. The radical leftist critics of the school regard the school merely as a historical phenomenon and they overlook the ontic law for the school. For this reason, they do not acknowledge the fact that the school has its own unique "law side"(God given structure). In connection with the function of the school, modern humanistic criticism is wrong in insisting that the school is not the proper place for the transmission and learning of knowledge and skills. History shows that the school has succeeded fairly well in carrying out its basic function of teaching pupils. Modern humanistic critics, however, are justified, to a certain extent, in their criticism that the teaching function of the school has been contrived to serve the established norms and ideals of the existing social order in society. From a Scriptural standpoint, the crisis of the modern school can be ascribed to the fact that the teaching work of the school has not always been truly educational teaching. The relationship of the school with other societal structures is also one of the fundamental problems about which many school critics have been concerned. The school has the specific and unique task of teaching. No other task in communal life can be allocated to it. Founded in the historical modality, the school has its own structural identity which functions in its unique way in all the cosmic aspects. The unique teaching task (logical-analytical function) of the school, however, can not be effectively achieved unless there exists a proper and correct relationship of understanding and co-operation between the different types of communities as concrete realities. All of the above-mentioned fundamental poblems of the school are basically related to a religious ground motif. Nothing can escape from being religiously determined. The school and schooling are always determined by certain religious ground motifs. Modern school critics keep wavering back and forth between the two polar opposites of the modern humanistic religious ground motif of the freedom / personality ideal and the nature / science ideal. From a non-Scriptural, humanistic point of view the problem of the ground motif of the school is insoluble ; the humanist has no choice but to vacillate irresolutely between the two poles of the antinomy. Only the Scriptural ground communion with the Holy Spirit can make it possible for one to reach a real and true synthesis. If the modern school is to truly meet crises in future, it must radically break with all the inwardly contradictory trends of humanistic thought and practice, and should in all its aspects and facets be radically determined by the sound Scriptural ground motif. Only then, will the school as a social institution be able to function properly and effectively in future. The school as a social institution, as a result of the positivization of the divine ontic law for the school, should continually be reformed according to God`s will for the school. Modern humanistic critics surely call our attention to the rigidities, weaknesses, and various shortcomings of the existing school system. Much talk about the crisis and even of the death of the school should be the signal to reform the school.
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